Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Upcoming Fun! Tile Decorating on 12/7 6 p.m. at Joan's Studio
As you may have read in the last steering committee meeting minutes, we are scheduled to have a fun time on Wednesday, December 7th at 6 p.m. at Joan's Studio. Joan and a few other volunteers have created clay tiles for all the garden plots and we will be using them to indicate plot numbers by hanging them at each trellis. Rather than do all the work herself, we are opening it up to gardeners who are interested in adding their own special touch to the garden plot number they call home. Please join us!
Joan's Studio is at Mark Keppel Elementary School in Glendale. For those who have been with the garden long enough, this is where we have had our last two annual meetings. For newcomers, here are directions on how to get there from Garden West - the B marker on the map is right next to Joan's Bungalow. If it still is not clear to you, don't hesitate to give me a call and I'll help you out.
As always, stay tuned for a Steering Committee Agenda, which will be sent to you via email and posted in both toolsheds over the weekend. Do let me know if you have any questions.. and see you there!
Alek Bartrosouf
Thursday, November 17, 2011
War on Weeds + Other fun stuff
Its official, I have declared a war with the weeds! As you have noticed the recent rains came as a disguised blessing - we got a break from having to water, but now all these weeds have come strong after being quenched. Its time to rally the troops and call an end to this occupation!
This is a totally informal volunteer effort I am trying to get going here. Sorry, it won't count as an official work day - this is just for fun, to help keep our gardens neat, plus its therapeutic! Here are the details...
Saturday November 19 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Garden WEST
Sunday November 20 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Garden EAST
We encourage you all to mix and match! If you haven't been to the other side of the garden, this is an excellent way to mingle and meet your compatriots from across the street. Regardless, I'll be there on both days, let me know if I can count on you to help. And bring some snacks to share. Oh, and if you have weed removers, please bring them.
Side note: On Monday November 21, Parks and Recreation plan to bring an industrial-size chipper shredder to Garden East to process all of the compost and drying material. This means we'll need some extra time on Sunday at Garden East to move all that material to the front of the garden to prep it for the shredder. What is in it for you if you help? COMPOST! Many of these bins have not been harvested, so the prize awaits you if you are willing and able to join us on Sunday.
Thanks again!
Alek Bartrosouf
P.S. Save the Date - January 21st and March 17th are our next two scheduled work days. If you have not yet attended a work day since April 2011, you must attend these two to fulfill your obligations as a garden member for the year.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Today at the (East) garden
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Community Garden Construction starts tomorrow
As many of you have heard and seen in the SC minutes, Home Depot is sponsoring a serious upgrade to our garden by adding new plants to landscape, installing a pergola, and creating a pathway. Construction for this work begins tomorrow. We apologize for any inconvenience, but I want to make sure you all get the heads up in case you see workers there in the next few weeks.
If anything comes up that you think we need to be aware of, just let me know. Thanks much!
Alek Bartrosouf
P.S. I hope to see you all at the Gathering of the Community Gardens event this Saturday. Its a free event and open to the public. The LA Community Garden Council, who is hosting this event and is on its 5th year, is the leasee of our Glendale Gardens and it would be great to show our support and solidarity among gardeners from all over Los Angeles. See event details at the link below and also on the attached brochure.
You can also 'attend' on Facebook -
Monterey Road Eco-Community Garden (West) featured in the LA Times Home and Garden blog!
At Glendale community garden, a compulsion for compost
Community Gardens Dispatch No. 50: Monterey Road Eco-Community Garden (West), Glendale
It’s transition time at the Monterey Road Eco-Community Garden (West) in Glendale, and plot partners Lindsey Hansen and Tom Selling are putting in lettuce, peas, potatoes, onions and garlic. But before anything new got planted, they harvested their most important crop of the year: compost from a pair of stackable bins they got free from the Glendale Integrated Waste Management Section.
Hansen and Selling, at right, are part of a team of seven who have made composting a group project at the garden. Four more Integrated Waste Management compost bins are assembled, but they’re empty or filled with non-composting green waste.
In contrast, the bins of the composting team are full to the brim, an inch-thick layer of dried oak leaves on top. Hansen collected 30 bags of raked detritus from her grandmother’s backyard lawn to serve as a ready supply of material to keep the compost bins’ mixture aerobic and balanced, and the attention to detail has clearly paid off.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
You Are Invited | Greening Glendale’s Future: Brainstorming Session and Potluck
The Coalition for a Green Glendale is hosting its first-ever brainstorming session and potluck, and you are invited! Network with like-minded locals, enjoy delicious food (potluck-style), and get ready to talk about greening Glendale's future.
Team leaders will semi-moderate a roundtable discussion focusing on some practical programs and policies that can be prospectively implemented to promote sustainable living. With your input, we want to start a dialogue. The afternoon will culminate with a summary of our ideas and a collective vote on which priorities the Coalition should pursue.
If you would like to attend this special event, you must RSVP by responding to the following Evite by Sunday, October 16th. Please include with your RSVP what you would like to bring for the potluck...
Space is limited. The first 40 people to RSVP will be able to attend.
For further details, please see the attached event flyer. We look forward to seeing you and please forward to anyone you think may be interested. Thanks for your ongoing support!
Coalition for a Green Glendale
P.S. This event was originally scheduled forOctober 8th. We quickly realized the significance of that date for some of our supporters. In observance of Yom Kippur, the event has moved to Sunday, October 23rd. Please disregard our previous 'save the date' email for October 8th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I've brought these cookies to a couple of work days and got several requests for the recipe so here it is for everyone.
Peanut Butter Choco Cookies Recipe
2 1/3 c. all purpose flour
1/3 c. cocoa powder
1/3 c. peanut flour (can substitute almond flour or almond meal)
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
1 c. sugar
1 large egg
2 tsp. vanilla
Preheat oven 350ยบ. Mix dry ingredients, and in a separate bowl beat butter and sugar together, then add egg and vanilla. Add dry ingredients and beat until combined. Make 1 - 2" diameter circles and bake on a cookie sheet 7 - 9 mins.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Garden Stuff - Important and Exciting things just around the corner!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Organic Way to Help Rid Plots of Mint or Oregano
I found this in an on-line discussion group. Hope this helps!
“Dissolve 2 cups of salt (table salt is fine) and a squirt of dish soap into 1 gallon of white vinegar. Pour into a WELL MARKED spray bottle, and liberally douse the mint, or any other green thing you want to curl up & die
This is going to take MANY applications, because mint is the demon spawn of all garden plants, and is truly evil. But diligence will eventually win!”
Read more: Getting Rid of Mint | Herbs
Friday, September 16, 2011
New garden pictures
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monterey Road Community Garden Events! Details Below!
The Coalition for a Green Glendale is super excited to extend two Garden events' invitations to the greater community! One is the Garden's quarterly work day which is coming up on September 17th, and the other is our first-ever community-wide garden workshop on September 24! Attached you'll find two flyers summing up the events, but you'll find additional information below as well...
Both require RSVP's (email or Facebook)... so please let me know if you plan to attend, and which event you plan to attend. Our breakfast host for the work day would very much appreciate an accurate head-count in advance and our workshop coordinator would like to know what the turnout will be like. Thanks! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call/email me. 818-359-0108.
Workday RSVP on Facebook: Workshop RSVP on Facebook:
Join the Coalition Facebook Group:
For the Workday (September 09/17) please bring your own fork/plate/mug. In an effort to create zero waste, we want to minimize our use of disposable products and don't want to overwhelm our host with washing after us! Aside from that, try to be on time - we only have 90 minutes per garden!
The workday will begin at Garden West - 827 Monterey Road in Glendale.
For the Workshop (September 09/24) we will meet at Garden East, which is 870 Monterey Road in Glendale. In addition, here are a few words from our Event Coordinator and Gardener, Katy Tafoya...
We've reached that time in gardening where the last few tomatoes and cucumbers are offering up their final gifts of goodness. What's next?
Did you know that NOW is the time when we should start working on our garden for next spring? In fact, now is the time to clear out those old summer crops, prep the garden with freshly harvested compost and start installing cool weather crops.
Lucky for us, Tara, from Silver Lake Gardens ( -- -- will be on hand at the Monterey Road Eco-Community Gardens on Saturday, September 24th (from 9:00a - 10:30a) to teach us how to start working in our gardens and our soil TODAY for not only a plethora of fall vegetable goodies, but also for an abundant spring harvest.
Her approach to farming and gardening is "beyond organic" and she takes a "whole" approach to growing, keeping things balanced with natural habitats and companion plants so nature can do its thing. And the best part, when our gardens are planned and tended to properly, there's need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
This is going to be a great workshop for both beginner and not-so-beginner-yet-not-quite-expert gardeners. Be sure to bring your notebook and something to write with as you'll be sure to be taking down lots of notes and ideas. And don't forget your sunscreen, hat, water. Come prepared to play in the dirt and ask those burning questions.
Hope to see you all at these wonderful events! Thanks to the organizers!
Alek Bartrosouf
Steering Committee Chair
Monterey Road Eco-Community Garden
Coalition for a Green Glendale, Co-Founder
P.S. MARK YOUR CALENDAR. The Coalition for a Green Glendale is looking for a breath of fresh air! We'll be inviting the entire community to a forum/discussion about the future of the Coalition and what you think needs to be addressed in Glendale. We are scheduled to meet on October 8th and more details will come soon. I'll send out another email within a week or so. We hope you can make it!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Summer Night on the Plaza - gardener bouquet arrangements
I just want to have a quick follow-up from Juan's e-mail last week regarding Summer Night on the Plaza, which is this Thursday at City Hall.
The Steering Committee has posted a flyer at each toolshed (see poster below - click to enlarge) asking you all to join us in giving Neighborhood Services and the Committee for a Clean and Beautiful Glendale a big thank you for their contributions in making the Gardens happen. It is a pretty simple, easy, and fun request and we hope you can help out. Again, please see the flyer for additional information.
In case you missed it, here are some details pasted from Juan's email to the gardeners...
On behalf of Neighborhood Services and Glendale, Clean & Beautiful, Inc., I would like to invite you to our annual fundraising event, “Summer Night on the Plaza.” We will have delicious food and decadent desserts from some of Glendale's favorite restaurants and bakeries, the sizzling salsa sounds of Orquesta Charangoa , a silent auction featuring unique one-of-a-kind items, and an exhibit of the finalists in the "My Hometown" Photo Contest. All proceeds from ticket sales and silent auction items will continue to fund our in-school environmental education, community beautification and graffiti removal programs. Glendale Clean & Beautiful, Inc. is the primary sponsor for the community gardens, so I hope you will be able to joins us.
Tickets may be purchased directly from Joan Zierhut, online at or at the door on the day of the event.
Any questions may be directed to Katrin Madatian at (818) 551-3098 or
I look forward to seeing you at the event!
I've been to this event many times in the past and it truly is a blast. I'll be there on Thursday and hope you'll join us in celebrating our Glendale pride and community involvement!
Alek Bartrosouf

(Click to enlarge)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Summer Night on the Plaza and Our Gardens' Contribution!
Our gardens are contributing the centerpieces for the event and we need everybody's help to make it happen. All you have to do is recycle a jar, bottle, tin can or other decorative object, use plants from your plot to fill it and poof, it's a beautiful centerpiece. The plants don't have to be flowers. Why not a bouquet of dill or other greens? Please leave them in either garden's shed no later than sundown on Wednesday, July 27th. Joan will provide tags so everyone seeing them will know that they're from our community gardens.
Here's the information from the city:
Join Neighborhood Services and the Committee for a Committee for a Clean & Beautiful Glendale (CCBG) for our 8th annual fundraiser, "Summer Night on the Plaza". We will have delicious food and decadent desserts from some of Glendale's favorite restaurants and bakeries, the sizzling salsa sounds of Orquesta Charangoa , a silent auction featuring unique one-of-a-kind items, and an exhibit of the finalists in the "My Hometown" Photo Contest. All proceeds from ticket sales and silent auction items will continue to fund the Committee for a Clean & Beautiful Glendale’s in-school environmental education, community beautification and graffiti removal programs. See you there!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
In this season of plenty
In the last few weeks I've heard a lot of "can you use some kale?" kinds of comments and since I'm also blessed with abundant greens (among other things) now seemed like a good time to mention some other destinations for your plot's productive bounty. If your harvest is more than you, your family, friends and neighbors can accommodate you're eligible to reap the kharmic rewards of donating your surplus.
My first stop for this exercise is usually my neighborhood fire station. Firefighters have to pay for and prepare their own food during their 24-hour-long shifts and they always appreciate contributions. They're also some of the nicest people in the world and it feels great to honor and thank them for their generous work.
My friend Vivian, a Glendale librarian, also recommended Meals on Wheels as a donation destination. Their address is 320 W. Windsor Road, Glendale. Their phone number is 818-246-5586.
If you have other places you'd recommend we all consider please leave it/them in a comment.
PS The picture above left shows two purple potatoes I put into the ground and the next picture shows maybe half of the magical potato bounty I pulled out of my plot not much later on. Turns out potatoes are the potato seeds! Just cut them so at least 2 eyes are on each slice, put 'em in the ground and see what happens. Important note: Don't eat any potatoes that have green on them or have grown on the surface of the soil, apparently they're a hazard.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Coalition for a Green Glendale News Flash!
Join us on June 25th at 10 a.m. with Jeff Spurier on pest management! If you have a vegetable garden at home or plan to have one this will be essential for sharing knowledge among gardeners and hearing some tips from an expert! Jeff Spurrier is a Master Gardener, trained at the University of California Cooperative Extension. Jeff contributes his services to communities, sharing his knowledge and expertise. We are excited to have Jeff back with us to learn more insightful information about our gardens.
When a leaf does not look right, we try to figure out what is wrong, why is it curling, is that rust, is that mildew, as we closely monitor our gardens. Then there are those holes in the leaves, and even worse, what bored the holes into our vegetable? Now we can find out the answers! And, we can learn tips on preventative measures that can be taken! This is very valuable information for those growing vegetable gardens.
Please do RSVP at so that we know how many people are attending. An ongoing challenge at our evolving gardens is lack of seating. If you're okay with standing great, but if you need to sit after a while we encourage you bring a folding chair or something to sit on. We hope to resolve this issue once we have proper funding!
Where: 827 Monterey Road, Glendale, CA
When: June 25th, Saturday, at 10 a.m.
Parking: Please park with caution. Crossing Monterey Road can be very dangerous. I recommend parking on Coronado, which is just East of Garden West and sees much less traffic.
Thats it... thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
Alek Bartrosouf
Coalition for a Green Glendale
Steering Committee Chair - Monterey Road Eco Community Gardens
Parking: Please park with caution. Crossing Monterey Road can be very dangerous. I recommend parking on Coronado, which is just East of Garden West and sees much less traffic.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Ladybugs, baby
We released them into the wild of our garden
So friendly, spotty and unassuming.
Here are two enthusiasts. Fun on tiny buggy feet.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Coalition for a Green Glendale News Flash!
1. Safe & Healthy Streets Plan Presentation to Glendale City Council
04/19/2011 at 600 p.m.
613 E. Broadway, City Council Chambers
Colin Bogart will be presenting to council the Safe and Healthy Streets Plan and he'll need your support! Join us if you can!!/event.php?eid=161852253871443
2. Earth Day at the Recycling Center's Sorting Facility
04/23/2011 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
540 W. Chevy Chase Dr.
Glendale, CA 91204
Join Glendale’s Recycling Guru Tom Brady at the Waste Management Center to check out the new advanced sorting facility that separates mixed recyclables into separate materials! Public Works will be giving away free tote bags and other promotional materials. A children’s bike will also be given away to the person who guesses closest to how many crushed cans are in a bale (on display at the event).
3. Earth Day at Glendale Community College
04/26/2011 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
1500 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA
There will be a live band (Masxs), a food truck (The Gastro Bus, environmental groups, and one of Chevrolet's new 100% electric cars, the Volt. Come out and be engaged with students and help start a dialogue with youth!
4. Greener Glendale Open House
04/27/2011 from 5 to 7 p.m.
633 E. Broadway, MSB Room 106
Glendale CA 91206
Come find out with the City of Glendale is doing to conserve resources and the environment. Share your ideas about how we can improve!
5. Professor Michael Reed Presentation: The State of the Earth
Glendale Community College
04/28/2011 from 12:20-1:30 in CS 177
6. Glendale Bikeway Master Plan Community Meeting
04/28/2011 from 6 to 9 p.m.
Glendale Central Library
222 E. Harvard St.
Glendale, CA
This will be the first community meeting for the bike plan update, sharing with you specific maps that will show street designations for future bike infrastructure like bike lanes, sharrows, bike parking, etc.!/event.php?eid=145252588874210
7. Verdugo Mountains 10k Trail Run and Hike
05/1/2011 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Brand Park
1601 W. Mountain St
Glendale, CA
The 1st Annual Verdugo Run is sponsored by Glendale Parks and the Glendale Open Space and Parks Foundation. Registration goes towards the non-profit foundation. Run or hike - all at your own pace.!/event.php?eid=210334882315539
8. 23rd Annual Great American Clean Up Day
05/21/2011 Check-in begins at 830 a.m.
Glendale, CA
Over 600 residents took part last year by volunteering their time to help beautify various locations throughout the city. Volunteers were teamed up with city staff to work on a variety of beautification projects including litter and trash pick up, weed abatement at abandoned properties, park trail projects, and more. After helping keep the city clean and beautiful, our dedicated volunteers return to the kick-off site for a community barbecue, entertainment, and prizes! All volunteers receive a free commemorative event t-shirt.
Go here for more information and sign up!
Again, don't hesitate to contact us with questions/comments/suggestions. Thanks again!
Alek Bartrosouf
Coalition for a Green Glendale