Thursday, November 17, 2011

War on Weeds + Other fun stuff

Hi Gardeners,

Its official, I have declared a war with the weeds! As you have noticed the recent rains came as a disguised blessing - we got a break from having to water, but now all these weeds have come strong after being quenched. Its time to rally the troops and call an end to this occupation!

This is a totally informal volunteer effort I am trying to get going here. Sorry, it won't count as an official work day - this is just for fun, to help keep our gardens neat, plus its therapeutic! Here are the details...

Saturday November 19 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Garden WEST
Sunday November 20 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Garden EAST

We encourage you all to mix and match! If you haven't been to the other side of the garden, this is an excellent way to mingle and meet your compatriots from across the street. Regardless, I'll be there on both days, let me know if I can count on you to help. And bring some snacks to share. Oh, and if you have weed removers, please bring them.

Side note: On Monday November 21, Parks and Recreation plan to bring an industrial-size chipper shredder to Garden East to process all of the compost and drying material. This means we'll need some extra time on Sunday at Garden East to move all that material to the front of the garden to prep it for the shredder. What is in it for you if you help? COMPOST! Many of these bins have not been harvested, so the prize awaits you if you are willing and able to join us on Sunday.

Thanks again!


Alek Bartrosouf

P.S. Save the Date - January 21st and March 17th are our next two scheduled work days. If you have not yet attended a work day since April 2011, you must attend these two to fulfill your obligations as a garden member for the year.

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