The Coalition for a Green Glendale is super excited to extend two Garden events' invitations to the greater community! One is the Garden's quarterly work day which is coming up on September 17th, and the other is our first-ever community-wide garden workshop on September 24! Attached you'll find two flyers summing up the events, but you'll find additional information below as well...
Both require RSVP's (email or Facebook)... so please let me know if you plan to attend, and which event you plan to attend. Our breakfast host for the work day would very much appreciate an accurate head-count in advance and our workshop coordinator would like to know what the turnout will be like. Thanks! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call/email me. 818-359-0108.
Workday RSVP on Facebook: Workshop RSVP on Facebook:
Join the Coalition Facebook Group:
For the Workday (September 09/17) please bring your own fork/plate/mug. In an effort to create zero waste, we want to minimize our use of disposable products and don't want to overwhelm our host with washing after us! Aside from that, try to be on time - we only have 90 minutes per garden!
The workday will begin at Garden West - 827 Monterey Road in Glendale.
For the Workshop (September 09/24) we will meet at Garden East, which is 870 Monterey Road in Glendale. In addition, here are a few words from our Event Coordinator and Gardener, Katy Tafoya...
We've reached that time in gardening where the last few tomatoes and cucumbers are offering up their final gifts of goodness. What's next?
Did you know that NOW is the time when we should start working on our garden for next spring? In fact, now is the time to clear out those old summer crops, prep the garden with freshly harvested compost and start installing cool weather crops.
Lucky for us, Tara, from Silver Lake Gardens ( -- -- will be on hand at the Monterey Road Eco-Community Gardens on Saturday, September 24th (from 9:00a - 10:30a) to teach us how to start working in our gardens and our soil TODAY for not only a plethora of fall vegetable goodies, but also for an abundant spring harvest.
Silver Lake Farms is an urban sustainable farm in Silver Lake that offers fresh farmers' market flowers, garden design, gardening workshops & floral design. Tara has taught organic gardening for 5 years, including several lectures at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens and classes at Disney.
Her approach to farming and gardening is "beyond organic" and she takes a "whole" approach to growing, keeping things balanced with natural habitats and companion plants so nature can do its thing. And the best part, when our gardens are planned and tended to properly, there's need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Her approach to farming and gardening is "beyond organic" and she takes a "whole" approach to growing, keeping things balanced with natural habitats and companion plants so nature can do its thing. And the best part, when our gardens are planned and tended to properly, there's need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
This is going to be a great workshop for both beginner and not-so-beginner-yet-not-quite-expert gardeners. Be sure to bring your notebook and something to write with as you'll be sure to be taking down lots of notes and ideas. And don't forget your sunscreen, hat, water. Come prepared to play in the dirt and ask those burning questions.
Hope to see you all at these wonderful events! Thanks to the organizers!
Alek Bartrosouf
Steering Committee Chair
Monterey Road Eco-Community Garden
Coalition for a Green Glendale, Co-Founder
P.S. MARK YOUR CALENDAR. The Coalition for a Green Glendale is looking for a breath of fresh air! We'll be inviting the entire community to a forum/discussion about the future of the Coalition and what you think needs to be addressed in Glendale. We are scheduled to meet on October 8th and more details will come soon. I'll send out another email within a week or so. We hope you can make it!

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