Monday, March 7, 2011

Garden work day pictures!

We got so much done, what a relief.  Here's Melissa with her plot.

Alek and Julia chipping and shredding their way to greatness

Will and Kendyl take compost to a new level

Hey there's Dennis composting it up too

Tommy, Lindsay and Natasha bravely defeat a big weed patch

Kimberly's having fun

So's Carl

Colin and Jenny show those weeds what's what

John!  Making the East shed a productive, USEFUL place!  Oh the magic.

Adam has the clippers that makes the compost happen

Hey there's Julia

But how does Julia look when seen through a pink-flowering tree?  Much like this.

How about Andy?  At last we know.

Here's Mike starring in the last of the pink flowers+sunglasses series.

Above and beyond awards go to Paul and Crystal who painted the entire East shed even though it's too high for one person to get to.

Founder and steering committee vice chair Ana on the scene

And Joan our East garden manager, well protected by her hat.

Thanks, everyone who came out!  You were tremendous.

Wait, there's more:  Tomatomania is coming!  Karen, steering committee Secretary and grower of the best tomatoes our gardens have ever seen reports that her incredibly productive plants came from these people.  Might want to check them out!

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