Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcome Monterey Community Garden WEST Gardeners!

It has happened at last, we have a whole new community garden filled with wonderful people right across the street from the first (East) garden.

West gardeners, welcome to the adventure. Feel free to stop by the East garden to meet some of us whenever it's convenient.

East gardeners, feel free to stop by the West garden to meet some of the terrific new participants, they're a delightful bunch.

Soon(ish, maybe after the holidays) we'll set up a get together so both gardens can meet each other and perhaps enjoy a nice potluck.

I hope the West gardeners will enjoy the experience as much as we Easterners have, it's a great joy to expand community gardening in Glendale.  Many thanks to the City of Glendale and the Kiwanis club!