Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hose holders!

Bam!  They exist!

 That's because Martin (west) bravely drilled, measured
and screwed together the holders in crazy heat

and Lyndsey (west), Julia (east), Paul (west) and Mike
(east) showed up at the garden to do the big job of painting
and planting them. This one has a duck on it.

In over 100 degree heat our group spent a few hours 
planting these little gems. Here are three of the super 
Hoover High Key Club teens who helped us out 
the whole time. They helped us because former 
gardener Sue Jekarl alerted them about the 
volunteer opportunity -- she's a wonder.

 I think this was the second holder we got planted.

Yea for Hoover Key Club!

Then heatstroke was approaching so we headed to 
Geneva for some quick and delightful soaking. 
That was heaven.

And look!  11 cute hose holders installed!  
Thank you so much to everyone who helped:  
Martin, Julia, Mike, Linus, Paul, Joan, Lindsey, 
Sue, the Hoover Key Club and Home Depot!

Update:  Geneva's hose holders are in!  Whoo hoo!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hose holder workday preparation in process

Here's Martin from garden west picking out only the best buckets for our snazz new hose holders.  Also shown is Home Depot's Addie who gave us a great deal, making it possible to get some other needed implements!  Thank you Addie!

Hose holder workday this Saturday, June 29th, starting in the East garden and moving to the others afterward.  Hope to see you there!

Composting guide!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

New Google Group! It's up!

Hey gardeners!  All current members of the Monterey Eco Community community are invited to our new google group!  Ask questions!  Give answers!  Join discussions!  It's all happening, email Hannah if you haven't received an invitation yet.