I just want to have a quick follow-up from Juan's e-mail last week regarding Summer Night on the Plaza, which is this Thursday at City Hall.
The Steering Committee has posted a flyer at each toolshed (see poster below - click to enlarge) asking you all to join us in giving Neighborhood Services and the Committee for a Clean and Beautiful Glendale a big thank you for their contributions in making the Gardens happen. It is a pretty simple, easy, and fun request and we hope you can help out. Again, please see the flyer for additional information.
In case you missed it, here are some details pasted from Juan's email to the gardeners...
On behalf of Neighborhood Services and Glendale, Clean & Beautiful, Inc., I would like to invite you to our annual fundraising event, “Summer Night on the Plaza.” We will have delicious food and decadent desserts from some of Glendale's favorite restaurants and bakeries, the sizzling salsa sounds of Orquesta Charangoa , a silent auction featuring unique one-of-a-kind items, and an exhibit of the finalists in the "My Hometown" Photo Contest. All proceeds from ticket sales and silent auction items will continue to fund our in-school environmental education, community beautification and graffiti removal programs. Glendale Clean & Beautiful, Inc. is the primary sponsor for the community gardens, so I hope you will be able to joins us.
Tickets may be purchased directly from Joan Zierhut, online at www.summernightontheplaza.com or at the door on the day of the event.
Any questions may be directed to Katrin Madatian at (818) 551-3098 or kmadatian@ci.glendale.ca.us.
I look forward to seeing you at the event!
I've been to this event many times in the past and it truly is a blast. I'll be there on Thursday and hope you'll join us in celebrating our Glendale pride and community involvement!
Alek Bartrosouf

(Click to enlarge)