Here's a little butterfly buddy on our lavender.
Maria's sunflower! That's a flower with the right name all right.
Bees are so photogenic. Supermodels of the insect world. This one is in Natasha's onions.
June bug! I love these bugs, they're such little minivans. I took this picture right before s/he buried his or her little head in the dirt.
Raphael's cactus
I don't know who this is but s/he is in Carolyn's plot.
Can you believe it? A shed is arriving! Compliments of Alek and Thom Deason.
In other news we have two new gardeners in the garden: Laura Derderyan in plot #7 and Sue Jekarl in plot #2! Welcome, Laura and Sue! Sue is easy to spot because she has purple hair.
These two replace the Deasons who ran out of time to keep up their plot and Scott and Martin who sold their house and are moving far away to the north. We wish them the best in their future endeavors.